Pakistan the Long View 2047 (Call for Workshop Papers)
Past Event
The Centre for Public Policy and Governance (CPPG) at Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)and the Wilson Chairin Pakistan Studies at the University of Texas at Austin will host a workshop on “Pakistan the Long View: 2047” on 2nd-3rd December, 2016. The event will look at emerging issues and challenges for Pakistan’s next thirty years, as the country approaches its 100th year.
We are seeking papers that examine five intersecting themes in political economy and international politics:
(a) The urban futures of Pakistan – society, economy and governance
(b) The impact of climate change on development and trans-border relations
(c) The future of internal and external migration
(d) Regional trade and communications connectivity, cooperation and conflict
(e) Democracy, law and human rights
The workshop aims to bring together academicians, development practitioners and policy-makers to reflect on Pakistan’s multi-faceted development challenges and future policy choices. We therefore envision papers that will explore the intersections of governance and public policy; social, economic and environmental well-being; and human and state security. We encourage proposals that look creatively at the challenges of the coming decades.
We invite paper proposals to be presented at the workshop, and hope that some papers may later be revised for publication.
Interested participants should submit a short abstract (500-700 words)by 15th October 2016 outlining their key topics, questions and arguments.