October 26, 2008


Dr. Saeed Shafqat, Raheem ul Haque

From the Editor's Desk

Who decides, who governs, and who rules are questions of crucial signifi- cance for policy analysts. Such questions make one ponder how legitimacy of a political order is evolved, contested and constructed. As Pakistan makes a transition to democratic order and party rule, suspicions and expectations are roused given the checkered history of the political process. Smooth, transparent and vigorously contested election for the office of the president on September 6th 2008 is a citizen morale booster. It enhances the legitimacy of electoral process and representative government but does not guarantee institutional balance, efficient decision making, citizen friendly public policies and their effective implementation. At the CPPG, our endeavor is to not only raise the level of awareness on policy issues but also to bridge the gap between awareness and possible action.

Table of Contents
Dr. Peter Armacost, Rector FC College speaks out on education in Pakistan
Seminar Series
> Modernity, Post Modernity
and Crisis in the Muslim World
> Social and Political Transformation
of Pakistani Political Elites
> New Directions in Development Economics and Climate Change
Review Article
> Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia:
Where is the Epicenter of Chaos? 18
Rickshaws in Lahore: Source of Air Quality and Noise Pollution
Visitors & Activities
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